A collaboration between Making Waves (Sama Sama) and Tzu Chi Humanistic Youth Centre. The final artwork co-created with migrant and local community volunteers.
Meet Me Halfway features a pattern of building blocks coming together to form an interconnected structure symbolising a bridge. Inspired by stories and activities shared by our migrant community during an art workshop, the mural incorporates motifs that reflect their culture and memories of home.
The pattern bridge represents trust between various communities and the overlapping shapes remind us that despite our differences we share similarities with one another and through the process of empathy we are able to understand one another better to build a more inclusive society.
Led by artist, Bbblob, the painting of panels also included a co-creation painting session between our local community and our migrant brothers from Yishun and Jurong communities. The finished work installed around a pillar further reinforces the symbol of interconnection.
Through uplifting colours, the mural evokes a sense of harmony and brings hopeful mood to the space.